
image1 今回は香港における従業員の給与所得の税務申告について、雇用者の義務を簡単に説明したいと思います。

  1. 本人の居住地または仕事を香港内にて行っているかどうかに関わらず、香港法人より雇用されているすべての人。
  2. 海外親会社や子会社などから香港法人に出向しているすべての人。香港内にて仕事を行っているかどうかは問わない。
  3. 何らかの形で雇用体系を通じ、自ら所有する香港法人を通じて仕事を行っている人。
  • 個人情報 (例:名前、住所、身分証明書の詳細や配偶者の有無について)
  • 雇用条件 (正規またはパートタイムなど)
  • 役職と雇用期間
  • 賃金報酬額
  • フリンジ・ベネフィット (賃金以外の給与;例)有給休暇、福利厚生、ストックオプション等)
  • MPFの詳細 (公的年金制度(MPF)、香港における強制積み立て年金)
  • 雇用契約書
  1. 雇用主支払報酬申告書(申告用紙IR56A/B)にて、従業員への年間の給与明細
  2. 従業員の雇用開始時期(申告用紙IR56E)(*雇用日から3か月以内の申告が必要です)
  3. 従業員解雇時期(申告用紙IR56F)
  4. 退職を予定する従業員の雇用最終日から1か月前までに退職日の報告(申告用紙IR56G)。(尚、退職とは海外出張などの理由で香港を頻繁に離れる場合を含みません)
  5. 上記(4)に当てはまる退職予定従業員の最後の1か月分の給与の支払留保詳細
尚、これらの義務を怠った場合は雇用主に対しペナルティーが発生しますためご留意ください。 ゼットランドでは香港を拠点に、香港、シンガポール、上海において、法人設立、会計・税務サービス、ビザ・サポートなどをはじめとするビジネスサポートを行っております。お問い合わせは日本語で まで。 (以下、英語原文) Hong Kong Tax Filing Obligations of Employers This article will give you a brief summary of the Hong Kong salaries tax filing obligations of employers under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO).
Meaning of Employee
Employees are:
  1. persons employed by Hong Kong entities, regardless of the persons’ residency or services rendered in or out of Hong Kong
  2. persons assigned to Hong Kong entity by its overseas holding or subsidiary company who provide services in or out of Hong Kong
  3. persons who render personal services under employment-like conditions, but have entered into service contract in the name of service companies owned by them
For tax purposes, the employers should also report remuneration paid to the persons who receive pension and who hold office as directors.
Keeping payroll records
In general, the tax filing obligations commence when you hire the first employee. The employers have to maintain a record of that employee’s:
  • Personal particulars (i.e. name, address, identity card or passport number with place of issue and marital status)
  • Employment nature (full time or part time)
  • Capacity in which employed and employment period
  • Cash remuneration (regardless of payment location)
  • Non-cash and fringe benefits (such as quarters, holiday journey benefits, share award, share option etc.)
  • Employer’s and Employee’s contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) or its equivalent
  • Employment contract and amendments to terms of employment
Same as keeping business accounting records, the employers are also required to keep the payroll records for at least 7 years for the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD).
Reporting remuneration paid to an employee
Unlike other countries, there is no pay as you earn system / no payroll tax withholding requirement in Hong Kong. Thus employers are not required to deduct salaries tax from the payroll. Alternatively the IRD imposes the following filing obligations on employers pursuant to the IRO:
  1. To make an annual return of remuneration paid to employees (Form BIR56A and IR56B)
  2. To report an employee’s commencement of employment in Hong Kong (Form IR56E)
  3. To report an employee’s cessation of employment in Hong Kong (Form IR56F)
  4. To report at least one month before the expected date of departure if the employee is about to leave Hong Kong for a period in excess of one month (Form IR56G). This requirement does not apply to an employee who is required to leave Hong Kong at frequent intervals for business purposes
  5. To withhold payment to the employee within one month of having the notice in (4) above
Penalties may be incurred for not complying with the above obligations or making incorrect returns. Should you have any questions in relation to the Hong Kong tax filing obligations of employers or Hong Kong salaries tax filing, please do not hesitate to contact us. For more details on the above, please contact Kenneth Au at 852 35529096 or Lily Chow at + 852 3552 9097 at Zetland Tax Advisors

税務 香港 14th January 2020


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