香港税務:香港法人における居住証明書(Certificate of Residence)の申請について

Hong Kong Tax Application of Certificate of Residence Status in Hong Kong

HK_Tax_Appication_of_Certificate_of_Regidency In general, according to the comprehensive double taxation agreements / arrangement (“CDTA”) between Hong Kong and its treaty partners, Hong Kong resident company is defined as follows:
  • A company incorporated in Hong Kong; or
  • A company incorporated outside Hong Kong being normally managed or controlled in Hong Kong.
In the past, being a Hong Kong incorporated company should be sufficient for such company to obtain the certificate of Hong Kong resident from the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) for CDTA purpose. However, to avoid treaty abuse and to be a more responsible treaty partner, the IRD is more stringent in granting the Hong Kong tax resident certificate (“HKTRC”) to companies. The IRD generally requires to a Hong Kong company to demonstrate that its management or control is normally exercised in Hong Kong and has sufficient business substances in Hong Kong for the HKTRC application. In particular, the IRD focuses on the following areas:
  • The Board The IRD normally examines the detail of the board of the company in order to determine the place where the company being normally managed or controlled, in particular the board members and the board meetings. Rather than focusing on the nationality of each board member, the place of residence of each board member would be reviewed by the IRD as it is accepted that a company would carry on its business operation near to where the board members reside. In addition, the IRD will review the board meetings details which include the location of the preparation works, the location of the board meetings held, the physical presence of the board members, the items being discussed and resolved, and the implementation and execution of the resolved matters during the meeting.
  • The Employees The IRD examines closely whether the company has hired any staff in Hong Kong. In addition, personal details of each employee (i.e. name, nationality, age, remuneration) and the job duty details will be collected by the IRD for the business substance tests.
  • The Company Establishments Here refers to the applicant’s fixed place of business and the location of the bank account facilitating the business operation and financing.
The IRD also places emphasis on the beneficial ownership status of the applicant for the income qualifying for the relevant CDTA benefits, in particular the passive income (i.e. royalties, dividends, interest income or capital gains) enjoining the preferential tax treatments under CDTAs. The IRD has mentioned in the notes for HKTRC application form that “where the applicant … is a recipient of dividends, interest or royalties and its right to use and enjoy the income is constrained by a contractual or legal obligation to pass on the payment received to another person, the applicant is not the beneficial owner….” In this regard, the IRD looks beyond the definition of “Resident” in the CDTAs and, if the IRD is of the opinion that the applicant is not the beneficial owner of the income, refuses to grant the HKTRC to the applicant. Should you require further details or assistance on the above, please contact Sylvester Chu at

香港税務 香港法人における居住証明書(Certificate of Residence)の申請について

  • 香港にて設立された法人、または
  • 香港以外で設立された法人であるが、香港から運営・管理がされている法人
今までは、法人が法人所得税において租税条約の恩恵を享受する目的で、香港法人居住証明書を税務当局より取得するには香港で法人を設立するだけで済みました。しかし最近は租税条約の悪用を防ぐため、証明書の発行には厳しくなってきています。 居住証明書の発行には、申請香港法人において企業のマネージメントが現地香港にあること、香港法人にて経営管轄を十分に行っていることなどの基準があります。居住証明書の発行について香港税務当局が特に重視している点は以下です:
  • 役員 香港法人の経営管轄がどこに実在するかの判断として、その法人の役員構成や役員会議の詳細が重要視されます。役員の国籍よりも役員の居住地の方が重視され、それは事業経営は役員の居住地(及びその周辺)にて行われるというのが一般常識だからです。役員会議が開催された場所、開催されるにあたって準備手配が行われた場所、各役員の会議への実際の参加の有無、決議内容などについて細かな事項が審査の対象となります。
  • 従業員 香港法人において現地人の雇用の有無が重要視されます。雇用者の詳細(例:名前、国籍、年齢、給与額)や職務内容についても審査の対象となります。
  • 法人施設 法人の実体オフィス及び銀行口座開設の場所についても審査の対象となります。
申請香港法人における最終受益者の情報も香港税務当局にとっては重要です。これは、租税条約(CDTA)とくに受動的所得(例:ロイヤリティー収入、配当収入、利息収入、キャピタルゲイン収入)において税制上の扱いに影響してくるためです。最終受益者とされる者(個人、法人)は法人利益の最終受益者でなければならず、そこから利益が更に第三者に流れる場合は、最終受益者とみなされず、法人居住証明書の申請は下りません。 ゼットランドでは香港を拠点に香港法人の設立・管理、会計、税務、そして監査(外注)のサービスを一括して提供しております。日本語でのお問い合わせは まで。

税務 香港 21st February 2018


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