英国における定住者、非定住者、そしてみなし定住者 の概念について


寄稿者:Lily Chow、ゼットランド・タックス・アドバイザーズ代表


弊社の顧客で英国の国税局にあたるHMRC(英国歳入税関庁)より、いわゆる「お訪ね書」を受けとった方々が何名かいます。お訪ね書には、顧客の英国における税的立場を明確にするよう要求が書かれてありました。このようなお訪ね書のターゲットとなる個人はほぼ決まっていて、1)その個人を税務当局が英国におけるみなし定住者(Deemed Domicile)と見なした場合において、2)でも本人は自分は非定住者(Non-Domicile)だと思い込んでいるケースです。


2017年4月6日より英国では「みなし英国定住者(Deemed-Domicile)」という新たなステータスを採用し、過去20年中15年間英国に居住した個人全員に適用されることになりました。みなし英国定住者(Deemed-Domicile)において今まで「送金課税(Remittance Basis)」と呼ばれ英国に送金しない限り非課税だった海外所得分が英国で課税対象となりました。今まで非定住者(Non-Domicile)で申告していた個人もみなし定住者に該当する場合、世界中の所得(Worldwide Income)に対して英国にて課税対象になり、またこれには英国外にある資産も相続税の対象になり、定住者と同じ課税扱いを受けることを意味します。

イングランド法(*)の下では、個人の定住地(Domicile)はたとえ外国に居住していても定住する家(帰るべき家)が存在する国を指し、また全ての個人は原生本籍地(Domicile of Origin)を有し通常は父親の定住地(Domicile)に定められるとしています。例えば香港出身の両親をもつ個人が英国に移住してきた場合、その個人が香港と引き続き生活的つながりを有し続ける場合は、例え長く英国に住んでも定住地(Domicile)は香港とみなされます。条件として英国に永住しないことまたは離れることが証明できる場合に限られます。

(*)English Law(イングランド法)はイングランドおよびウェールズの法体系であり、アイルランド共和国、イギリス連邦諸国およびアメリカ合衆国の英米法の基礎をなす。



ゼットランドでは香港にタックスチームを置き、税務相談を行っております。お問い合わせは intray@zetland.biz まで。



A couple of HMRC enquiries (aka latest nudge campaigns) were issued to our clients to clarify their UK tax position. The targets of the campaigns include two specific categories of individuals: those whom HMRC consider to be deemed domiciled and those who consider they are non-UK tax residents.

The taxation of individuals in the UK is determined by residence and domicile status. Under the current legislation, the UK applies a comprehensive statutory residence test (SPT) to determine whether an individual is resident in the UK. By determining the residency, individuals may also need to look at their residence position for the previous years – and often of their parents – and subsequent years – an individual’s stated objective of leaving the UK.

From 6 April 2017, HMRC has the concept of deemed domiciled for all UK income tax purpose once an individual has been UK resident for 15 out of the previous 20 tax years. This means he or she will no longer be able to claim the remittance basis from that date. Individuals who have previously claimed non-domicile status will pay tax on their worldwide income and gains, as well as be subject to UK inheritance tax (IHT) on their worldwide assets, same as UK domiciled individuals. In other words, it also means a minor who lived with non-domiciled parents in the UK can be deemed domiciled if he or she meets the 15 out of 20 years rule.

Under English law, an individual’s domicile is the country in which they have his or her permanent home, even though he or she may be currently resident in another country. The law also states that every person is borne with a domicile of origin, which is normally that of his or her father. For example, an individual whose family came from Hong Kong and continues to have ties to Hong Kong is likely to be considered as domiciled in Hong Kong, even if they have lived in the UK for a number of years, provided they can demonstrate to HMRC when an in what circumstances they will return to Hong Kong. The individual must have strong evidence to HMRC to demonstrate they do not intend to stay in the UK or they can provide evidence to show they will leave the UK to remain non-UK domiciled.


As always, determining the domicile status can be very complicated and the tax implications are far reaching after 6 April 2017. Therefore we recommend that rather than being reactive when a domicile enquiry is made by HMRC, non-domicile individuals should take a proactive way of thinking and continually maintain records of their origins, past actions and future plans to ensure that domicile status can be evidenced to HMRC when being asked.

If you would like to discuss any issues in relation to UK domicile, please contact us at tax@zetland.biz.


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